Pro-Tip: Set Your Time Zone

Your Recurly account can be set to display all dates in your local time zone, but there may be times you want to change this configuration. For example, some merchants like to work in UTC when comparing data with their local systems (Please note that push notifications will always display...

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Pro Tip: Accept PayPal Payments

Merchants today can use PayPal as a payment gateway, collecting credit card payments from their customers. But did you know that using Recurly.js or the Recurly Hosted Payment Pages, you can also allow your customers to checkout using PayPal? To process PayPal payments, please...

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What’s the difference between void transactions and refunds?

In the dynamic world of subscriptions, managing payments effectively is key to customer satisfaction and financial success. Two terms that often come into play are void transactions and refunds. A void payment is a cancellation of an authorized but not settled payment, typically used for correcting mistakes or for canceling...

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The UX of Customer Support

Though my coworkers at Recurly have probably begun to tire of hearing me say it, my mantra of late is “Everything is UX.” It’s a simple phrase, but it encompasses a great deal. Simply put, it’s important to remember that every interaction someone has with your product or brand is...

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Merchants We Love: BarkBox

At Recurly we love to check out our customer’s products and services for ourselves. One of the many services we’ve tried and LOVED is Barkbox. I know you are out there- dog lovers who treat your pups like members of the family. They not only have beds, they have dishes and...

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Pro Tip: Setting a "From" Email Name

One of the most common topics for support is email templates. In just a minute or two you can easily customize the "from email name" on all emails that Recurly sends on your behalf. If you would prefer that your customer receive messages from...

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Payment Pitfalls - Part 1: When Refunds Go Bad

In this series, called Payment Pitfalls, we’re going to cover some of the most common mis-steps made by merchants that can get them into hot water with either their merchant acquiring bank, their customers and even the credit card associations themselves. The purpose of this series is to share some...

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Pro Tip: Provide a Partial Refund

Refunding transactions is easy with Recurly, but did you know a transaction can also be partially refunded? This is great for circumstances where a user has partially used up service, but needs a refund for time remaining. To issue a partial refund, a transaction...

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Influencing the Recurly Product Roadmap

As you’ve seen from our recent press and newsletters, Recurly is going through a significant growth period, both in terms of customers and internal employees. The product team is 5x this year what it was last year, which has allowed us to dive deep on some of the features we...

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A Glimpse into Card Processing

Having had experience in both traditional and alternative payments, I completely understand the sentiments around payment eco-systems being complex. In its basic parts, it comes down to a network of participants who communicate financial information across one another. The problem is that they don't all speak the same language and...

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