Brad Holmes portrait photograph

Brad Holmes

Senior Technical Trainer, Recurly


Senior Technical Trainer at Recurly.

Latest posts by Brad Holmes

Pro Tip: Switching Your Payment Gateway

With so many different payment gateway options out there, it’s not at all uncommon for merchants to switch from one gateway to another. We get questions all the time about how to switch payment gateways and, more importantly, how switching gateways will impact a merchants' billing. The short answer is...

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Pro Tip: How To Handle Declined Transactions

Declined transactions are easily one of the most common topics that come up in Recurly Support, and for good reason. At first glance it’s not always easy to figure out why a transaction was declined, or what the next steps are to resolve the transaction (if any). Here are a...

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Pro Tip: Customizing Your Emails with Boolean

A common question we get here at Recurly Support is how to customize email content based on a specific customer. Recurly’s emails are global in the sense that there’s no way to fully customize your emails on a per-user basis; by default, the same language/content will be sent to all...

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