How to start a subscription business

Subscription companies have several advantages over companies that only have one-time offerings, such as a consistent and predictable revenue stream and the opportunity to build a more loyal customer base. There are countless examples in other industries, including outdoor gear and clothing. Many consumers have gotten used to...

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Exclusivity delights subscribers, news from Spotify, AppleTV & Instagram

Welcome back to Subscriptions Weekly! This week, we review Spotify’s price hike, Apple’s MLS streaming service boost after Messi’s arrival, and Instagram’s creator subscription launch in more countries. We also discuss what the Q2 earnings season tells us about the state of global payments and the tenets of a successful...

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Westminster eForum: Priorities for digital competition and growth in the UK

In today's fast-paced technological landscape, the digital sector plays a significant role in the UK's economy, but it also brings new challenges for businesses–especially in the subscription industry.  Subscriptions are a growing industry. In fact, the subscription economy is projected to hit $1.5 trillion by 2025. It’s a business...

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Product launch summary | Summer 2023

The Recurly Summer 2023 product launch is live. Grow your subscription business with the added features and functionality of Recurly.  Here’s an overview of what’s new:  App management delivers cross-platform analytics Merchants who sell subscriptions from their website, Apple App Store, and Google Play often need a cohesive view of...

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What makes subscribers stay? News from Netflix and Twitter

Welcome back to Subscriptions Weekly! This time we dive deeper into Nerflix’s successful Q2 results and how its password-sharing strategy brought in more subscribers. We review the strategies to avoid “serial churners” in streaming, how Twitter can improve its growth strategy, why the UK is facing a streaming slow-down, and...

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Improve checkout conversion with PayPal Complete on Recurly

We’re excited to announce the arrival of a new payment gateway, PayPal Complete, from PayPal, one of the most popular global payment brands accepted in over 200 countries. So, what is PayPal Complete, why will you want it, and how can you get it?  What is PayPal Complete? PayPal Complete...

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TechCrunch Webinar: Turbocharge your business for the payment revolution

The need for a future-proof global payments infrastructure has become paramount–especially in the subscription space. As technology evolves and consumer expectations shift, businesses must adapt and be a step ahead to stay competitive and relevant. Recurly CTO Tony Allen, Worldpay Strategy Manager Ben Bello, The New York Times...

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How AI helps the subscriber experience, retention & revenue growth

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform the ecommerce industry, and subscriptions aren’t an exception. With new technologies come new challenges, and business owners must understand how to incorporate AI into their current strategy and product offerings. In this article, we’ll share everything you need to know about artificial intelligence and...

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How the right subscription and billing software helps you scale

The subscription industry is growing at a fast pace, and technology is crucial in driving transformative changes. For tech leaders of fast-scaling brands, there’s always one big challenge: allocating engineering resources to focus on product innovation while struggling with the limitations of inadequate in-house recurring billing systems.    At Recurly, we’ve...

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What subscribers want: 48% of consumers feel valued when rewarded for loyalty

Consumers’ demands and expectations are shaping the way subscriptions are perceived. And businesses must understand them to succeed.  To help you create a better consumer experience, Recurly asked over 6,000 consumers globally what they want from their subscription service–discovering valuable insights that drive engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction across geographies and...

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